Wednesday, 5 August 2009

This Day

[ My Carpe Diem Poem ]

This day will never come again
Do not waste it
It is for living
For it will not come again

Treat it as special, for it is
Live it well
For it will soon be tomorrow
And you would not wish to regret
Things left undone, unsaid

Savour every moment
Pause…. Linger….Enjoy
The colours of it
In its special light
Its scents and smells
Even its weather
Come wind, come rain

Feel it beneath your feet
Take off your shoes and socks and really feel it

Treat it to music - good music
But listen also to its silences, in wonder

Make it the best day you’ve ever had
So that, at its end you can say
I gave it 100%
Really tried
Did it all
Maybe failed
But still, gave it my best shot

Lived, laughed, loved
Helped another
‘Phoned my mother
Tried to be the best I can
Let no man stress me,
Or woman
Come traffic, taxman, politicians
This isn’t just any day
It has been waiting in the wings for us since the dawn of time

So, rejoice and be glad in it
Even for a reason, why be sad in it?
Why spend it in anger, boredom, sin?
Eating chocolate,

Why waste it procrastinating?
Days have been lost by hesitating
Waiting for a better day
That never comes your way

So, all this makes me want to Seize the Day
So none can say – It slipped away

In work and play
Live it
Give it everything
Is there any other way?

And on any day
Treat it as your last, because for some it is
Life is a tender flower and what lies beyond
A test of faith

Tomorrow will not worry me
Nor yesterday
All we have
And all we need
Is ……This Day


  1. I love this John, beautiful & so true. The only way to live.

  2. Thanks, Levenshulme, I mean Cara

  3. I paused and savored your poem. It reminded me a bit of Longfellow's "Psalm of Life".

    It was also just what I needed right now. So thank you.

    p.s. - ...the Gordon Brown bit was funny.

  4. truly memorable, you have a wonderful gift of words John. I enjoyed this piece immensely. thank you for sharing your gift with us.

  5. Thank you so much for reminding me of your beautiful poem this morning, John. I especially love this verse, very in keeping with Buddhist meditation each morning :)

    And on any day
    Treat it as your last, because for some it is
    Life is a tender flower and what lies beyond
    A test of faith

  6. Beautiful and funny and sincere and yes seize the day!! :D

  7. Beautiful and inspiring, great start to the day :-)

  8. Quite Lovely,

    Last verse caught my attention, as I feel that way down to the moment..I always say our lives are made up potentially of a million moments...we are only ever guarenteed this one...

    For me...The real skill and joy, is in, the living of different moments.

    Forgetful Heart
